My head is about to explode!!! THIS is in a Kingdom Hall??????
WOW . . . Wow . . . wow
Well, I guess it's about time they started going mainstream.
I guess I just never thought they'd turn into Pentecostals.
My head is about to explode!!! THIS is in a Kingdom Hall??????
WOW . . . Wow . . . wow
Well, I guess it's about time they started going mainstream.
I guess I just never thought they'd turn into Pentecostals.
i am happy to report to everyone on this site that i have discovered a magic sandwichtm that cures cancer.
for a small one-time payment of your entire life of thursday nights, sunday afternoons, and recruitment work on saturday mornings - it can be yours!
for your peace of mind, i have provided answers to some commonly asked questions:.
I am happy to report to everyone on this site that I have discovered a Magic Sandwich™ that cures cancer. For a small one-time payment of your entire life of Thursday nights, Sunday afternoons, and recruitment work on Saturday mornings - it can be yours! For your peace of mind, I have provided answers to some commonly asked questions:
Q: Does your Magic Sandwich™ actually cure cancer?
A: Yes! I have several friends who have tried my Magic Sandwich and none of them have cancer. And they all say the Magic Sandwich is absolutely the best thing ever!
Q: Has the FDA approved your Magic Sandwich™ for the treatment of cancer?
A: The Magic Sandwich goes far beyond anything modern medicine can do. It doesn't just treat symptoms - it actually provides a cure! The FDA simply is not qualified to approve it. Think about that for a moment, a cure so powerful it goes beyond the authority of any earthly government! Isn't that great?
Q: What scientific research has been done on the Magic Sandwich™?
A: The Magic Sandwich is entirely consistent with science. Even so, science doesn't know everything. And the Magic Sandwich is proof of that. Science can only investigate the natural world. But the Magic Sandwich is truly a supernatural wonder!
Q: What if I don't have cancer?
A: There are many kinds of cancer that are undetectable. And many people find out they have cancer when its too late. But the Magic Sandwich cures every kind of cancer - even the ones we don't know about. Isn't that a truly loving arrangement provided by the Magic Sandwich?
Q: Why doesn't everyone know about your Magic Sandwich™?
A: Because most people in the world are too haughty and caught up in themselves. It is so heart breaking, millions of wicked people die every year because they are too proud to accept the gift of the Magic Sandwich.
Q: I have some friends who tried the Magic Sandwich™ but they still got cancer.
A: Sadly, some do not follow the appropriate prescription of the Magic Sandwich and end up with cancer. Only by being a loyal eater of the Magic Sandwich can you hope to remain cancer free.
Q: How do we know you're not just a Charlatan out to make a buck?
A: Is that really a chance you willing to take? Many have put off action because they were indecisive about the Magic Sandwich. And sadly, far too many of them have paid the price with their lives. Don't be like them, start making preparations to get your Magic Sandwich today!
Q: How do I get my Magic Sandwich™?
A: An Ordained Sandwich Maker* will swing by your house in the morning and make you one.
*All our Ordained Sandwich Makers are fully qualified to make Magic Sandwiches. Just because they don't know how it works, where it comes from, who's in marketing it, or really just anything about the Magic Sandwich - doesn't mean they're not perfectly qualified. Only arrogant and mentally diseased individuals would question the abilities of our honest hearted Sandwich Makers.
i'm no expert and do not claim to be in regards to how evolution works but this small test did make think how all things are related and have evolved from one common ancestor.
the horrible example that i grew up hearing about a watch not being able to assemble itself or plane after a tornado, etc... dawkins would say, "well of course not" but mit seems to be on the path to make us think twice.
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
they have come up with an experiment that will test whether we live in a holographic simulation
- MisterP
Umm, not quite. The Holometer can only falsify the holographic hypothesis. It can't verify it.
A good analogy for this would be if you were wondering if a coffee can had quarters in it. If you shook the coffee can and you didn't hear anything rattling around - you would know there were no quarters in the coffee can. However, if you did you hear something rattling around, you would only know that there was something in the coffee can. You wouldn't know it was quarters. The rattling could be pennies, dimes, nickels, nuts, bolts, keys, etc.
The same is true of the Holometer. If they don't detect fluctuations at the planck scale - then we will know the holographic universe is not real. But if we do detect fluctuations at the planck scale - then all their work is ahead of them. Because these fluctuations are also consistent with other competing hypothesis - like the Matrix degrees of freedom in M theory.
"Even if it turns out that the mysterious noise is the same at high frequencies as at the lower ones, this will not constitute proof for Hogan’s hypothesis (holographic universe). It would, however, provide a strong motivation for further study."
- Press Office: Max Planck Institute for Gravitation Physics
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
Wow, well this is going to be a bit embarrassing for you Abaither but it's actually you who are the one who's not "really" meditating. I know the bliss of you speak of. But that's a very superficial and surface level form of meditation. Real meditation goes much - much - deeper. You're like a novice chess player who just learned the Queens Gambit running around claiming to be a chess master. You've barely scratched the surface.
You claim that you've reached delta waves. How do you know this? Were you hooked up to an EEG at the time? If so, what were the circumstances?
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Hey Fisherman,
1) define "nothing" in this matter.
Is it a concept or a value?
2) define "something" also as it applies to this substance.
Question: does 0 Eels = 0 Eggs
its change is always a "universe" or form having the same components (space time,energy, matter and different laws)
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
if you choose to enter into a discussion on this site and you don't have the time, or patience, or are just too damn lazy to defend your position on any given topic that is perfectly fine.
i'm not going to bash you over the head about it.
however, please don't tell me that i'm "wasting my time" or that the person i'm trying to convince, "will never learn.
If you choose to enter into a discussion on this site and you don't have the time, or patience, or are just too damn lazy to defend your position on any given topic that is PERFECTLY FINE. I'm not going to bash you over the head about it. However, please don't TELL ME that I'm "wasting my time" or that the person I'm trying to convince, "will never learn." or that some creationist/believer/whatever "Is just too stupid to get it."
We don't change peoples minds by dismissing bad ideas. We change minds by defeating bad ideas.
Yes, I know, it takes work. It takes research. Sometimes you have to spend a whole hour breaking down one assertion that the other party just made up off the top of their head. But the great thing about this site is that it saves your work. Once you've addressed that bad idea you now have instant access to it. If it ever comes up again in another forum or in everyday speech you now have a resource you can go directly to for a rebuttal.
Also, when two parties have conflicting ideas both people think their right. And they're both going to continue to think they're right until they have a reason to change their mind. Just dismissing the other person's argument out of hand is not going to get them anywhere closer to the truth - and it's not going to get you any closer to the truth. Go out, find reliable sources that support your position. Go out and get the evidence you "know" exists and bring it into the discussion so everyone can see. And if you can't find reliable sources for your position and/or you can't find the evidence you "know" exists - then consider you may not be on as firm footing as you thought. Everyone is wrong from time to time. But it's only by reason and evidence that we ever realize it.
Most importantly, people change their minds in private. It is extremely rare that you are going to find an individual that is going to admit they were wrong on a public forum. Sometimes it's because of pride. Sometimes it's because it just takes a while to process the information. And, even if you don't change the mind of the person who disagrees with you, there's a good chance someone else reading in the thread may change their mind. But that can ONLY happen if you're willing to do the necessary work and give them reasons to do so.
Once again, if you don't have the time to do that - fine. No problem. But PLEASE, stop writing people off. And stop telling those of us who ARE willing to make and effort - and ARE willing to do the leg work - that we're "wasting our time." If the people on this site were incapable of changing their minds they wouldn't be here in the first place. They'd be sitting in a KH sucking down the WTBTS cool aid.
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Hey Fisherman, thanks for the follow up questions. I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities.
I think that what you are saying is that laws do not govern the conduct of the universe but that laws explain or describe its behavior mathematically.
I think that sums up what I was saying very nicely.
Second, regarding the dynamics of how the universe was formed. It seems to me that the universe was not formed randomly, that it contained information.
I don't think "information" is the right word. The formation of our universe had structure and order. It's important to remember though, that such labels are entirely circular - as we define "structure" and "order" by things we observe in our universe. Another way of putting it would be, "the formation of the early universe had properties of the universe." I don't think this will come as a surprise to anyone.
Perhaps a more informative answer to your question would be that "random" (at least in the context that you're using the word) does not exist within our universe. Everything about our universe can be expressed in relation to probabilities. I think this short video might help you out a bit (so long as you understand "quantum randomness" means uncertainty and does NOT mean "anything goes" or "without order"):
Given the big bang, again and again, and again. Would the universe we know today always form with the same relationships.
I don't know. But there are many scientist looking to either verify or falsify this exact question. It's called the Multiverse.
I am sure that you believe that space is something physical because it exist and it can be measured. Even if space could exist empty and void of anything at all. It still would not be considered nothing. Given the big bang theory, space did not always exist in the form it takes as part of the universe today but it was formed as a product of the big bang.
All empty space has both positive and negative energy in it. Or, as Lawrence Krauss always likes to say, "Empty space weighs something." Without that energy, you can't have space/time. Thus you can't have empty space without having quantum fluctuations or stable energy. And if it didn't have that in it - it wouldn't exist.
I cannot understand how the universe could come out of nothing. Something had to change.
"Something" didn't change. But nothing did. It became more complicated.
Also, in regards to the link you provided from Vixra Log - I thought I should let you know that article operates on a premise that is fundamentally flawed. The author makes the statment:
I am going to . . . dispute the claim that the energy of the universe is zero only when it is flat. It is a very strange statement from a cosmologists because it is more commonly said that the total energy of the universe is zero for a closed universe, i.e. for positive curvature, not flat space.
His entire position is based on a Straw Man Argument. We don't know the universe is flat because it has zero energy. Rather, we know the universe is flat because we've directly measured the structure of the CMB using the WMAP probe. And it's by seeing that the universe is flat that we've determined that it has zero energy. (This finding was also later corroborated by the Planck spacecraft)
To put this in perspective, his argument is like saying, "You're trying to say (some object) is a trout because you confirmed it's a fish. Just because it's a fish doesn't mean it's a trout." When, in fact, the opposite was true and you had confirmed that the object was a trout - and by knowing that it was a trout you were able to determine that it was a fish. His argument just doesn't hold water (no pun intended).
Furthermore, we've also independently confirmed the total sum energy of the universe is zero using the gravitational lensing around galactic clusters to "weigh" the universe.
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
How can atheist say somebody who cannot be subjected to physical senses does not exist while trusting only their PHYSICAL senses?
- abiather
I don't know of any prominent atheist who holds this view. How do YOU know a God wouldn't be subject to the physical senses?